Sunday, November 28, 2004


Townies (or Chavs as their new "hip" name seems to have become) are still a complete mystery to me. Before it was simple, all "Townies" were just complete twats, but then i discovered that once you get to know them a few of them (and i do mean A FEW) are actually alright.
Still however i don't understand their logic, why is it that they all strive to be exactly the same as each other in every way? Same music, same burberry caps and the classic example, white checked shirts, what is it that makes them think "I know how i'll pull all the birds 2nite" (wow check me out with my townie talk!) "I'll wear exactly the same as everyone else who's out and then people will notice me and think i'm the dogs bollocks" (mind you it does seem to somehow work!) You all know what i'm on about so i shall end it there, any solutions to this query will be much welcomed .


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